Nemzetközi tanulmányok 2017 (angol)

Az alapképzési szak képzési célja és a szakmai kompetenciák:
The International Studies BA course aims to educate professionals who understand international relations, can represent national and regional interests, are sensitive to global problems and open to other cultures; if relevant, they can meet the challenges of the EU integration process. Graduate students, as employees of national and international companies, governmental or non-governmental organisations, are able to deal with international contacts, can creatively and flexibly solve problems and complex tasks as well as step up to master-level education.

Az elsajátítandó fontosabb szakmai kompetenciák:

International relations experts

  • are well-informed about the generally accepted tendencies, characteristics and data of Hungarian and universal political, economic and cultural phenomena
  • can interpret specialist area-related and interconnected international, European and regional political, legal, economic and cultural issues and events in their proper context
  • are aware of the forms, tools and techniques of international contact
  • know the operation, scope of authority and policies of the institutions of the European Union
  • are able to acquire and systematise historical, social, economic, legal and political knowledge
  • can read specialist literature and understand specialist terminology in at least two foreign languages
  • are able to interpret international relations-related phenomena from the point of view of at least one non-European culture or ideology
  • can carry out project-based tasks
  • can produce written analyses on their own, as well as present their accomplished tasks to a professional audience both orally and in writing
  • are able to critically analyse and process information.

A szakon szerezhető végzettségi szint:
bachelor of arts (BA) degree

A szakképzettség oklevélben szereplő megjelölése:
International Relations Expert

A szakképzettség oklevélben szereplő megjelölése angolul:
International Relations Expert

A képzési idő félévekben:
6 curricular semesters

Az alapfokozat megszerzéséhez összegyűjtendő kreditek száma: 180 ECTS


A képzés tartalma, az egyes képzési területek aránya:

Knowledge areas



General social sciences-related knowledge and competencies



Methodological knowledge and skills development



Professional knowledge (core material)



Compulsory and optional elective subjects






ECTS Total:




A szakdolgozat készítéséhez rendelt kreditérték: 10 ECTS

A szabadon választható tantárgyakhoz rendelt kreditérték és aránya: 14 ECTS - 7,8%

A kötelező és szabadon  választható tantárgycsoportok összes kreditértéke és aránya: 30 ECTS – 16,7%

Szakmai gyakorlat: at least four weeks of continuous, specialist area-related work placement

Az ismeretek ellenőrzési rendszere:
The accomplishment of the curricular requirements, the work placement, the thesis and the final examination

A szakdolgozat követelményei:
The thesis elaborates on a theoretical or practical specialist area-related problem, relying either exclusively on secondary sources or on primary research. Through the thesis, the candidate proves that they can apply the knowledge gained during their studies and also that they are able to consult specialist literature on their own. The thesis is to be written in one semester with the guidance of a supervisor.

A záróvizsgára bocsátás feltétele:
The accomplishment of the curricular requirements, inclusive of
- at least 180 ECTS, of which the thesis is worth of 10 ECTS;
- work placement,
- physical education,
- a thesis accepted by the supervisor and a reader.

A záróvizsga részei:
- a complex oral professional examination, where the candidates are required to prove their ability to synthetize their knowledge gained in different areas and in a wide range of topics
- the defence of the thesis

Idegen nyelvi kimeneti követelmény:
Hungarian students need at least two complex accredited CEFR B2 examinations in living foreign languages, out of which at least one is an LSP (international relations, diplomacy, business, economics, tourism, catering, law, public administration, military, finance) examination while the other is an LGP examination or an equivalent degree or secondary school-leaving examination.