Marketing (angol nyelven) MSc szak

The purpose of training:
We aim to make students get insight into the Hungarian and international processes of marketing as a discipline, familiarise themselves with real business problems and solution methods (by organising regular study trips), look into institutional and corporate sectors (by inviting external experts). We also make students acquire some routine in making analyses (by providing a gear deal of experience and participation in research activities) and have the necessary communication skills both in Hungarian and English (by supporting conferences, travel costs and the participation in professional forums). We tend to develop the skills by relating theoretical training to practical, encouraging independent learning and providing a cooperation between the teachers and the students in the form of tutorials. The planned specialisations – Marketing Strategy, as well as, Tourism and Service Marketing – further enhance graduates’ professional suitability so that they will be able to find employment in the broadly meant business world, be capable of independent analysing work and preparing decisions thoroughly. At the same time students should be able to cope with the conflicts of the market and corporations, which makes them familiar with the broader dimensions and fields of action in the economy.

Level of academic degree: Master of Arts (MA)

Obtained qualification in the diploma: certified economist in major Marketing

Duration of training: 4 semesters

The necessary credits for acquiring a degree: 120 study credits

The content of the training and the distribution of the educational fields:

Educational field credit % distribution
Basic theoretical subjects 26 22
Professional core subjects 39 30.5
Differentiated professional skills 30 25
Electives 10 10
Degree work 15 12.5
Összesen: 120 100

Field placement: no

The assessment system of the acquired knowledge:
There are three basic forms for testing:
- In case of subjects taught only in the form of lecture, assessment is done on the basis of a five-grade scheme, 20% of which may be some home-made task required by teachers. Exam performance may account for 80% of the assessment.
- In case of subjects with both lectures and seminars, assessment includes 20% active participation, 20% mid-term individual paper and 60% exam performance.
- In case of subjects only in the form of seminars, the grade is shaped from 20% active participation and 80% mid-term individual paper.
In the case of special seminars I-II., there is a three-grade assessment scheme (excellent, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory). On the subject list it is indicated with the letter b.

Requirements for final exams:
- acquisition of university-leaving certificate
- submission of degree-work
- acceptance of degree-work by the opponent

The parts of final exams:
- Defence of degree work
- Passing a complex exam, in which the student proves that he or she is able to apply the acquired knowledge for the solution of a concrete marketing problem.

The assessment of the final exam:
The simple arithmetic mean of
- degree-work
- defence
- complex exam

Assessment of diploma:
is based on the weighted mean of performance during the whole study period, as well as the simple mathematical mean of the degree work, defence and complex exam.

The requirement for obtaining the diploma:
A Kautz Gyula Gazdaságtudományi Kar valamennyi szakán, a szak szintjétől (alap/főiskolai ill. mesterképzés/egyetemi) függetlenül: az EU tagállamainak hivatalos nyelve vagy orosz nyelv. A hallgató a felsoroltaktól eltérően más állam hivatalos nyelvéből is teljesítheti a követelményt, de ilyen szándékát a lehető legkorábban az engedély kibocsátására jogosult TAB elé kell terjesztenie és meg kell indokolnia abban, hogy mennyire lesz lehetősége az adott nyelv használatára gyakorlati munkája során.

Győr, September, 2017