Infrastructural Engineer MSc

Information on the MSc program in Infrastructure Engineering

Aim of the program
The aim of the program is to train well-prepared infrastructure - civil engineers, who are capable of fulfilling design, construction, maintenance and operational, corporate and authority tasks, they are able to work on planning and development projects independently, having a good command of English language.
Civil engineering problems require the application of analytical, decision making and critical thinking skills - this course will provide students with the technical knowledge and skills needed to develop these skills.

Level of academic degree: master; MSc

Obtained qualification: Infrastructural Engineer

Study time: 3 semesters

Required credits: 90

Summary of credits (see tables below for details):

Area Credits
Basic Sciences 12
Economics and Human Sciences 8
Required core courses 24
Specialization 26
Diploma work 20
Summary 90

Specialization: Transport Infrastructure-Geotechnical Engineering Requirements to finish the degree:
-  Finish required course work,
- Complete diploma work
- Pass a final comprehensive exam

Diploma work requirements:
Diploma work may be a specific design/technical solution to an engineering project, or a research project. Starting with a literature and project review, a viable design or implementation is developed under supervision of an advisor. The work should be finished in one semester. Diploma work enables the student to demonstrate his/her practical knowledge of the studied material, and capability to analyze and solve engineering problems.

Requirements for final exam:
- Complete required curriculum coursework that includes,
- Minimum 90 credit hours (20 credit hours diploma work included).
- Acceptance of diploma work by university advisor and one outside reviewer.

The final exam includes:
- presentation and defense of diploma work
- oral exam from subject areas related to the diploma work

Final exam grade:
The final exam grade is the numerical average of the grades given for the two parts of the exam, rounded to an integer number. If in any part of the exam the students gets a failing grade, the final grade will fail as well.

Diploma grade:
Diploma grade is the average of three grades: the total student course work grade, diploma work grade, and oral exam grade.

Notation to the chart of courses













Name of the course

Weekly lectures

weekly seminars

weekly laboratories

Type of assessment

credit points


Type of assessments:


evaluation is based on the student’s performance and work during the semester


evaluation is based on the student’s report at the of the semester in a 5-grade system (excellent(5) – good (4) – satisfactory (3) – passed (2) – fail (1))


evaluation is based on the student’s report at the of the semester in a 3-grade system (excellent competed – completed – not completed)


evaluation is based on the student’s taken exam in a 5-grade system (excellent(5) – good (4) – satisfactory (3) – passed (2) – fail (1))

Optional subjects:

A tanulmányok végéig a csoportból elvégzendő kreditek száma…........ points should be passed in this group till the end of the study programme.