Food Engineering BSc

Bachelor of Science (BSc) Degree Program in Food Engineering

at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of Széchenyi István University


Duration of the BSc program: 7 semesters

Form of education: Full time

Number of credits required for graduation: 210

 Objectives of the BSc program:

The purpose of this program is to equip students with:

  • general knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, technical sciences, and economics;
  • special knowledge of food sciences;
  • professional knowledge of food processing technologies;
  • theoretical knowledge to enable them to proceed with their studies at the master’s (MSc) level.

Major professional qualities and skills to be developed in students:

  • Use of laboratory (i.e., chemical, physicochemical, analytical, etc.) methods for the identification of major food components in both raw materials and finished products.
  • Enumeration and detection of foodborne microorganisms.
  • Preservation of value-added food raw materials.
  • Understanding of physical, chemical, biological, and sensory changes (and their molecular background) in food raw materials and final products during storage.
  • Application of up-to-date technological and biotechnological procedures in food processing and preservation.
  • Manufacturing safe food products.
  • Designing, managing and controlling production procedures in food processing.
  • Developing and operating food quality management systems.
  • Implementing environmentally friendly food processing technologies.
  • Ability to identify, define, analyze and evaluate problems related to food processing/production.
  • Application of business, management, marketing, IT, standardization, and technical skills related to food production and trade.

Further general skills to be developed in students:

  • cooperation and communication skills,
  • knowledge of foreign languages,
  • responsibility.

Range of careers open to graduates:

  • Public administration jobs related to food production and trade.
  • Special administration jobs at food control authorities.
  • A wide variety of jobs at consumer protection agencies and professional chambers.
  • Production manager and general manager in various food operations.

Major study areas:

  • General subjects:
    • natural science subjects (biology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, biometrics, applied informatics);
    • technical / engineering subjects (machinery);
    • social science subjects (economics, agricultural policies).
  • Professional subjects:
    • food chemistry, food analytics, food microbiology and hygiene, basic unit operations in the food industry, measurement and automation, basic machines in the food industry, occupational / labor safety and health, food technology, food safety, food quality management, food economics, management and organization studies, legal regulation of food production and trade;
    • specialized professional subjects: meat and poultry processing technologies, fish and game processing technologies, dairy processing technology, animal health management, food preservation, bakery and confectionery technologies, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage manufacturing technologies, plant protection food quality control and testing in practice, fundamentals of nutrition science, packaging technology, food marketing.

 Practical training:

  • A total of 3-week-long practical training, during the first 3 semesters, for which no credits are awarded.
  • A 1-semester-long comprehensive practical training, in the 6th semester, for which 30 credits are given.

Notation to the chart of courses













Name of the course

Weekly lectures

weekly seminars

weekly laboratories

Type of assessment

credit points


Type of assessments:


evaluation is based on the student’s performance and work during the semester


evaluation is based on the student’s report at the of the semester in a 5-grade system (excellent(5) – good (4) – satisfactory (3) – passed (2) – fail (1))


evaluation is based on the student’s report at the of the semester in a 3-grade system (excellent competed – completed – not completed)


evaluation is based on the student’s taken exam in a 5-grade system (excellent(5) – good (4) – satisfactory (3) – passed (2) – fail (1))

Optional subjects:

A tanulmányok végéig a csoportból elvégzendő kreditek száma…........ points should be passed in this group till the end of the study programme.