Építész Msc angol
Faculty: Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Sciences
The name of study programme: Architect
Level of degree: Magister / Master, i.e. MSc
Qualification written in the degree: Architect
The language of study programme: English
Specialisation: Architectural and Interior Design
The area of education: engineering sciences
Duration of study programme: 4 semesters/terms
Total number of credits needed
to complete the programme: 120 credits
The aim of the study programme:
The Master of Architecture is offered to students who want to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to practice architecture professionally. The programme consists of two years of study, based on design studios, including individual and team-work. Our aim is to create a student-centred environment, where peer-to-peer learning is realized via the connection of students, expert academics and design professionals. The curriculum is structured on the series of Design Studios to provide students with an experience in architectural design, integrated with classes that bring an understanding of arts and crafts, building technology, sustainability, architectural heritage, urban theory and design. International workshops play a significant role in our educational system, for widening the professional network of our students and also introducing real-scale building experiences.
Training shall take into account the principles, knowledge, skills and competences listed in Article 46 of Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications, taking into account the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in initial training.
The content of the study programme / percentages of each training areas/fields:
- Elective subjects 7% [8 credits]
- Creative skills development, art and education, human- and social sciences, as well as natural sciences, technical,
economic and legal sciences: 10% [12 credits]
- Architectural professional
sciences and knowledge: 53% [64 credits]
- Special Professional Knowledge 30% [36 credits]
Professional Practice/Internship:
The supervisory system of knowledge contains the following items:
Acquisition of the prescribed knowledge requirement, internship absolved, diploma thesis completed and final examination absolved.
Requirements of the diploma project:
The diploma project is a solution to a specific architectural design task that can be completed in one semester based on the student's acquired study knowledge, using additional literature and under the guidance of consultants. By completing the diploma project, the candidate demonstrates that he / she has acquired appropriate skills in the application of the learned knowledge, is able to creatively solve complex architectural tasks and is proficient in other literature beyond the curriculum, which he / she is able to apply in a value-creating way.
Conditions for taking the final exam:
Meeting the requirements of the curriculum, including
- obtaining at least 120 credit points out of which the thesis represents 26 credit points,
- fulfilling the conditions of the practical training/internship as part of the curriculum,
- diploma project evaluated and approved by the reviewer.
Conditions for issuing the degree:
In accordance with the 51§ of the Act CCIV/2011 on the National Higher Education, students studying and completing a course held in a foreign language are exempted from taking language examinations regardless the level and number of language examinations laid down in the Educational and Outcome Requirements (KKK). Graduating from a course held in a foreign language implies that the output requirements on foreign language are considered to have been completed.
Parts of the final exam:
- evaluation and defence of the diploma project within the framework of a complex final examination, as defined in the TVSZ.
The results of the final exam:
The arithmetical mean of the following two results: the grade received for the defence of the diploma project (integer number) and the grade of the complex exam rounded to two decimal places. If any of the two grades is „fail” the final exam is regarded as „fail”.
The assessment of the degree:
The arithmetical mean of three following results:
1) the grade received for the defence of the diploma project (integer number),
2) the grade received for the complex final exam (rounded to two decimal places),
3) corrected cumulative study result for the entire study period (rounded to two decimal places).