Civil Engineering BSc

Form of education: Full time

Level of academic degree: Bachelor of Science-Engineering; BSc

Obtained qualification: Civil Engineer

Study time: 8 semesters

Required credits: 240

Aims, objectives and learning outcomes

Aim of the program:

The aim of the program is to train professionals for work in the broad field of Civil Engineering. Occupations may include engineering design, construction management, working at a government regulatory agency, specialized field and laboratory testing and analysis, operation and maintenance of civil engineering works, site planning and development as well as contract oversight. Civil engineering professionals work with architects, engineers from other disciplines, contractors, government officials, business people, and finance/insurance specialists

The bachelor’s program also prepares students to pursue studies for a Master's degree.


The bachelor’s program is taught in English. This will enable students find job opportunities with companies throughout the world. They will also be able to continue their studies abroad or fulfill positions within multinational firms.

Possible outcomes:

With a bachelor degree, civil engineers are able to:

- become a licensed design engineer after obtaining sufficient professional experience;

- solve independently simpler development tasks;

- engage in more complex design work under the supervision of an experienced engineer.

With a bachelor degree taking into account specialization, civil engineers are able to:

- conduct technical management activities;

- conduct technical inspection activities;

- perform construction, maintenance and operation, business and specialty tasks;

- carry out infrastructure engineering management tasks for local governments.


Specialization / specific focus areas:

Transportation Infrastructure: Courses specializing in highway and railway design, transportation planning, safety, and systems analysis, and water resources.

Structural Design: Courses in design of concrete and steel structures, foundations and earthworks, building materials, management and maintenance.


Course content: The percentage of each training area:

Area/Field of Training:



Knowledge of Natural Sciences



Knowledge of Economics and Human Sciences



Required Technical Core Courses



Optional Technical Courses



Planning of Thesis



Total credit points




Professional Practice/Internship:

To be completed outside the university, duration at least 6 weeks. The professional practice is a requirement.

The curriculum courses:

The program consists of a basic set of courses in Natural and Social Sciences followed by a required core of Civil Engineering Technical courses. Following those courses, the student will select Optional Technical Courses to complete their program. Near the last semester, students will select a thesis topic. The thesis is submitted in the final semester and a final exam is taken.

Requirement of the thesis:

The thesis is the solution of a civil engineering task in a specific field, or the elaboration of a research topic that can be performed by the student through study of additional literature and with the help of a supervisor. By completing the thesis, the candidate shows he has gained the necessary skills in the practical application of his coursework, is capable of performing analytical and planning tasks of a civil engineer, has gained knowledge beyond the teaching material, and can evaluate the economic impact of the project studied.

Conditions for taking the final exam:

Meeting the requirements of the curriculum, including:

- obtaining at least 240 credit points out of which the thesis is 15 credit points,

- fulfilling the conditions of the practical training as part of the curriculum,

- submitting the thesis evaluated and approved by a reviewer and the department.

Parts of the final exam:

- presentation and defense of diploma work;

- oral exam from subject areas related to the diploma work.

Final exam grade

The final exam grade is the numerical average of the grades given for the two parts of the exam, rounded to an integer number. If in any part of the exam the students gets a failing grade, the final grade will fail as well.

Diploma grade

Diploma grade is the average of three grades: the total student course work grade, diploma work grade, and oral exam grade.

Notation to the chart of courses













Name of the course

Weekly lectures

weekly seminars

weekly laboratories

Type of assessment

credit points


Type of assessments:


evaluation is based on the student’s performance and work during the semester


evaluation is based on the student’s report at the of the semester in a 5-grade system (excellent(5) – good (4) – satisfactory (3) – passed (2) – fail (1))


evaluation is based on the student’s report at the of the semester in a 3-grade system (excellent competed – completed – not completed)


evaluation is based on the student’s taken exam in a 5-grade system (excellent(5) – good (4) – satisfactory (3) – passed (2) – fail (1))

Optional subjects:

A tanulmányok végéig a csoportból elvégzendő kreditek száma…........ points should be passed in this group till the end of the study programme.