Agricultural Engineering BSc angol 2017

Agricultural Engineering Undergraduate Study Programme

The name of study programme: Agricultural Engineering

Level of degree: baccalaureus, bachelor, abbr.: BSc-degree

Qualification written in the degree: Agricultural Engineer

The language of study programme: English

The area of education: Agricultural

Duration of study programme: 7 semesters/terms

The number of credit points necessary for the BSc degree: 210 credit points

The aim of study programme:

The BSc in Agriculture (equivalent to the Agronomist course) is designed for students to obtain the knowledge necessary to operate successfully in the different areas of agriculture, with special regard to plant production, animal breeding and environmental aspects related to agriculture. The training starts with a strong emphasis on basic sciences, especially chemistry, plant and animal physiology, physics and mathematics. The technical aspects of agriculture are important parts of the curriculum, which also includes the fundamentals of precision agriculture. The principal areas of training from the third semester are animal breeding and crop production, which includes all the related sciences necessary to operate as a qualified agronomist. A special emphasis is placed on the environmental aspects and on the application of environmentally sound technologies, which results not only in less environmental load, but also in a more economical way of production.

The content of the study programme:

The percentage of each training area/field:

Knowledge of Natural Sciences

20 kredit

Knowledge of Engineering Basics

8 kredit

Knowledge of Agriculture and Technologyk

30 kredit

Knowledge of Economics and Human Sciences

12 kredit

Agricultural Engineering Professional Knowledge:

85 kredit

Professional Practice/Internship

30 kredit

Freely elected courses

10 kredit

Diploma Thesis

15 kredit



Professional Practice/Internship:

The mandatory internship period of 12 weeks has to be absolved outside of university at a suitable professional location.

The supervisory system of knowledge contains the following items:

Acquisition of the prescribed knowledge requirement, internship absolved, diploma thesis completed and final examination absolved.

Requirements of the thesis:

The diploma thesis is the elaboration of a specified agricultural Engineering or research task. This task must be based on the acquired knowledge of the student and on the state of the art know how of the topic based on literature. The elaboration process is supported by at least one supervisor of the university and can be assisted by an external industrial expert. The duration is 2 semesters.

The candidate proves with his/her thesis, that he/she obtained and can apply sufficient knowledge/skills in order to resolve a dedicated professional analysis, design or development task on his/her own, and creating added value.

Conditions for taking the final exam:

Meeting the requirements of the curriculum, including

  • obtaining at least 210 credit points,
  • fulfilling the conditions of the practical training/internship as part of the curriculum,
  • diploma thesis evaluated and approved by the reviewer.

Conditions for issuing the degree:

In accordance with the 51§ of the Act CCIV/2011 on the National Higher Education, students studying and completing a course held in a foreign language are exempted from taking language examinations regardless the level and number of language examinations laid down in the Educational and Outcome Requirements (KKK). Graduating from a course held in a foreign language implies that the output requirements on foreign language are considered to have been completed.

Parts of the final exam:

  • comprehensive oral exam including the appointed areas of appointed courses
  • evaluation and defence of the thesis,

The results of the final exam:

The arithmetical mean of the following two results: the grade received for the defence of the thesis (integer number) and the grade of the comprehensive oral exam rounded to two decimal places. If any of the two grades is „fail” the final exam is regarded as „fail”.

The assessment of the degree:

The arithmetical mean of four following results: 1) the grade received for the thesis (integer number), 2) the grade received for the defence of the thesis (integer number), 3) the grade received for the comprehensive oral final exam (rounded to two decimal places), 4) corrected cumulative credit index (rounded to two decimal places).