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Szak: Exchange studies
Szakirány: Exchange studies
Tanterv: Exchange ösztöndíjas részképzés mintatanterv

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ssz. kód megnevezés heti
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Erasmus English/angol
ssz. kód megnevezés heti
bszf. krp előtanulmányi
1. Fundamentals of Materials Science 4 0 0 v 5
2. Production and processing of engineering materials 4 0 0 v 5 AJNB_ATTA001
3. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines 3 0 1 v 5
4. Internal Combustion Engines 1. 2 0 2 v 5
5. Internal Combustion Engines 2. 3 0 1 v 5
6. Simulation of Internal Combustion Engines 2 2 0 v 5
7. Electrical Systems and Controllers of Internal Combustion Engines 2 0 0 v 5
8. Drivetrain development of racing vehicle 2 0 0 v 5
9. Tribology of Internal Combustion Engines 3 0 1 v 5
10. Internal Combustion Engine testing 3 0 1 v 5
11. Project 1. 2 0 0 f 5
12. Alternative Vehicles 2 0 0 v 5
13. Project 2. 2 0 0 f 8
14. Thesis Consultation (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 15
15. Machine automation 2 2 0 v 5
16. Quality Assurance 2 0 0 v 5
17. Environmental Protection 2 0 0 v 2
18. Competency-based Project Management 2 0 0 v 4
19. Engineering Communication Skills 1 2 0 f 4
20. Transportation 2 1 0 f 4
21. Forwarding 1. 4 0 0 v 4
22. Forwarding 2. 3 0 0 v 4
23. Supply Chain Management 1. 3 0 0 v 5
24. Supply Chain Management 2 3 0 0 v 4
25. Material Handling and Warehousing 1. 3 0 0 v 4
26. Material Handling and Warehousing 2. 3 0 0 v 4
27. Production Logistics 1. 3 0 0 v 3
28. Production Logistics 2. 2 0 0 v 3
29. Packaging 1 1 0 v 3
30. Packaging Materials 2 0 0 v 3
31. Packaging Design Project 0 3 0 v 4 AJNB_LSTA020 ÉS AJNB_LSTA026
32. Packaging systems and Structures 3 0 0 v 4 AJNB_LSTA020
33. Forwarding case studies 2 1 0 v 4 AJNB_LSTA013
34. Special Supply Chains 3 0 0 v 4 AJNB_LSTA014
35. Routing Models 2 0 1 v 4 AJNB_LSTA001
36. Dangerous Goods Packaging 2 1 0 v 5
37. Material Handling and Warehousing 3. 3 0 0 v 4
38. Thesis Consultation (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 15
39. Materials Science 2 2 0 v 5
40. Manufacturing Technologies of Modern Vehicles 2 0 0 v 5
41. Internal Combustion Engines I. 3 0 0 v 5
42. Internal Combustion Engines II. 2 0 2 v 5
43. Controlled storage devices 2 1 0 v 5
44. Internal Combustion Engines III 2 0 2 v 5
45. Drivetrain development for racing applications 2 0 0 v 5
46. Tribology + Failure analysis 2 0 2 v 5
47. Unmanned vehicles 2 0 2 v 5
48. Hybrid Electric Vehicles 2 2 0 v 5
49. Internal Combustion Engine Control 2 0 2 v 5
50. Development of Internal Combustion Engines 2 0 2 v 5
51. Engine, Motor and Vehicle testing 2 0 2 v 5
52. Project Autumn 0 2 0 f 5
53. Final year project I. 0 4 0 f 15
54. Final year project II. 0 4 0 f 15
55. Simulation of Internal Combustion Engines 0 2 0 v 5
56. Project Spring 0 2 0 f 5
57. Core Elements of Whole Vehicle Engineering 2 0 0 f 5
58. Final year project I. 0 4 0 f 15
59. Final year project II. 0 4 0 f 15
60. Project Spring 0 2 0 f 5
61. Computational fluid dynamics in vehicle engineering 0 2 0 f 5 GKNM_MSTA003 VAGY GKNM_MSTA044
62. Vehicle properties and conceptual design 2 2 0 f 5 AJNM_JFTA001
63. Project Autumn 0 2 0 f 5
64. Vehicle Acoustics I. 2 1 0 f 5
65. Vehicle Acoustics II. 2 2 0 f 5 AJNM_JFTA008
66. Durability and fatigue in vehicle engineering 2 2 0 f 5
67. Noise and Vibration Control 2 1 0 v 4
68. Machineries of Logistics 2 1 0 f 5
69. Logistics Technologies 2 1 0 f 5
70. Logistic Simulation Programmes 2 2 0 v 6
71. Thesis Consultation II. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 10 AJNM_LSTA009
72. Thesis Consultation I. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 5
73. Shipping and Forwarding 2 2 0 f 6
74. Complex Logistics Projects 2 2 0 f 6
75. Logistics 2 2 0 v 6
76. Packaging in Supply Chain 2 0 0 f 4
77. Philosophy 1 2 0 v 3
78. Modern History 4 0 0 v 5
79. Communication Practice /Foreign Language I. 0 4 0 b-5 5
80. Intercultural Communication /Foreign Language III. 0 2 0 b-5 4
81. International Protocol and Etiquette 0 2 0 b-5 4
82. Organization of International Events 0 2 0 b-5 3
83. Central-European Studies 2 0 0 v 4
84. American Studies 2 0 0 v 4
85. Presentation Skills Development 0 2 0 b-5 4
86. Management Communication 0 2 0 b-5 4
87. EU Documents 0 2 0 b-5 4
88. Communication Practice /Foreign Language II. 0 4 0 b-5 5 AKNB_NKTA001
89. Business Communication 1 1 0 f 4
90. Introduction to English Language and Culture 0 3 0 f 0
91. Language development I. 0 2 0 f 3
92. Theory and Practice of Communication 2 2 0 v 5
93. Language development II. 1 2 0 v 3
94. Academic skills I. 1 1 0 f 3 AKNB_NKTA023 ; a 2020-07-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
95. Academic skills II. 1 2 0 v 4 AKNB_NKTA024
96. Methodology: English I. 1 1 0 f 3 AKNB_NKTA025
97. Methodology: English II. 1 2 0 f 4 AKNB_NKTA026
98. Target language culture studies 0 3 0 f 0
99. Teaching Practice I. 0 0 3 f 3 AKNB_NKTA163 ; A 2024-08-31 ELŐTT KEZDETTEKNEK AKNB_NKTA026
100. Teaching Practice II. 0 0 3 f 3 AKNB_NKTA030
101. Research Methods of Social Sciences 1 3 0 b-5 4
102. Theory and Practice of Diplomacy 1 2 0 v 3
103. International Organizations and Institutions 2 0 0 v 4
104. Negotiation Techniques I. 0 4 0 b-5 5
105. Study Skills 0 2 0 b-5 4
106. Current Conflicts in the World 0 2 0 b-5 4
107. Negotiation Techniques II. / Foreign Language IV. 0 4 0 b-5 5
108. Intercultural Communication 1 1 0 v 4
109. Academic Writing 0 2 0 b-5 4
110. Short story time 0 2 0 b-5 3
111. Comparative Country Studies 1 1 0 v 3
112. Thesis Consultation (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 10
113. Handling moral issues 0 2 0 f 3
114. Intercultural sensitivity training/Interkulturális érzékenyítő tréning 0 2 0 f 3
115. Special language development/ Tanító és nyelvpedagógus speciális szakmai kompetenciáinak fejlesztése 0 2 0 f 3
116. Szakdolgozati projekt 0 0 0 f 3
117. Sociology 2 0 0 v 4
118. Gender Study 2 0 0 f 2
119. School garden 0 1 1 f 2
120. First aid 0 2 0 f 2
121. Global Environmental Challenges 0 2 0 b-5 4
122. Geography 1 1 0 v 3
123. History of philosophy and religions 2 0 0 v 2
124. Intercultural Manager Communication 2 2 0 v 6
125. Sociology of the consumption society 1 1 0 v 4
126. Methodology of Advanced Tourism Research 2 2 0 f 5
127. Competence Development 2 2 0 f 4
128. Parliaments In Central-Eastern Europe 6 0 0 f 2
129. European Sources of Constitutional Law 6 0 0 f 2
130. Winter Seminar 6 0 0 f 2
131. EU Business Law 6 0 0 f 2
132. Prohibition of the Threat or Use of Force in International Law 6 0 0 f 2
133. International Dimensions of Alternative Despute Resolution 6 0 0 f 2
134. Export Contracts 6 0 0 f 2
135. Introduction to EU Public Law 6 0 0 f 2
136. International Environmental Cases and Judicial Decisions 6 0 0 f 2
137. Parliaments In Central-Eastern Europe 2 0 0 f 2
138. Winter Seminar 2 0 0 f 2
139. Political Science 2 0 0 v 3
140. Basics of Law 2 0 0 v 3
141. Theory of International Politics 2 0 0 v 3
142. Ancient Philosphy 0 2 0 f 3
143. Migration - History - Law (1867-1939) 2 0 0 b-5 2
144. Agricultural and Food Law 2 0 0 v 3
145. Corporate Law 2 0 0 v 4
146. Freight Law 3 0 0 v 4 DKNB_JETA001
147. EU Law 2 0 0 v 4
148. Introduction to Public International Law 2 0 0 v 4
149. Law of International Economic Relations 2 0 0 v 3
150. EU Business Law 2 0 0 f 2
151. Matters of Nationality in International Law 2 0 0 f 3
152. International Finance 2 0 0 v 4
153. Law of Diplomacy 2 0 0 v 2
154. Business and Competition Law 2 0 0 v 4
155. Legal Regulation of Logistics 2 0 0 v 2
156. International Commercial Transactions 2 0 0 v 4
157. The Legal System and Various Approaches to Law 2 0 0 f 4
158. Comparative Legal Reasoning 2 0 0 f 4
159. Labour case law of the European courts 0 2 0 f 4
160. Prohibition of the Threat or Use of Force in International Law 2 0 0 f 2
161. International Dimensions of Alternative Despute Resolution 0 2 0 f 2
162. Introduction to EU Public Law 2 0 0 f 2
163. International Environmental Cases and Judicial Decisions 0 2 0 f 2
164. EU and International Intellectual Property Law 2 0 0 b-5 4
165. European and Hungarian Consumer Law 2 0 0 f 2
166. Descriptive Geometry 0 2 0 f 3
167. Construction Materials 1. 2 0 1 v 4
168. Construction Materials 2. 2 0 1 v 4 EKNB_EETA019
169. Structural Engineering 1. 2 1 0 v 4
170. Structural Engineering 2. 0 2 0 f 3 EKNB_EETA021
171. Building Energetics 1 1 0 f 2
172. Fire Protection of Buildings 1 1 0 f 2
173. Transport construction project 1 0 3 0 f 6 EKNB_KETA025
174. Transport construction project 2 0 4 0 f 8 EKNB_KETA002
175. Strategic planning 1 1 0 f 2
176. Railway tracks 1 3 0 0 f 4 EKNB_KETA027
177. Railway tracks 2 3 0 0 f 4 EKNB_KETA008
178. Road pavements and materials 2 0 1 v 4 EKNB_KETA026
179. Road operation and maintenance 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_KETA026
180. Traffic engineering 2 1 0 v 4 GKNB_MSTA008
181. Hydraulic structures 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_KETA024 ÉS EKNB_KETA023
182. Construction management 1 2 1 0 v 4
183. Construction management 2 2 1 0 f 4 EKNB_KETA021
184. Hydraulics 1 2 0 v 4
185. Hydrology 1 2 0 v 4
186. Transport infrastructure 1 2 2 0 v 5 EKNB_KETA029
187. Transport infrastructure 2 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_KETA025
188. Transport infrastructure 3 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_KETA025
189. Public Works 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_KETA024 ÉS EKNB_KETA023
190. CAD Applications 1. 0 0 3 f 4
191. CAD Applications 2. 0 0 3 f 4 EKNB_KETA029
192. Urban engineering 2 1 0 f 4
193. GIS 2 1 0 v 4
194. Urban transport planning 2 1 0 v 4
195. Pedestrian traffic and accessible design 2 1 0 f 4
196. International planning workshop 0 0 0 v 2
197. Geodesy 1 2 1 v 5
198. Thesis Consultation (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 15
199. Transportation I. 0 2 0 f 2
200. Transportation II. 0 2 0 f 2
201. Geotechnics 1 2 1 1 v 5 EKNB_SETA011
202. Geotechnics 2 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_SETA006
203. Geotechnics 3 2 1 0 f 4 EKNB_SETA007
204. Bridge Structures 1 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_SETA030
205. Mechanics of Structures 1 2 3 0 v 6
206. Mechanics of Structures 2 2 3 0 v 6 EKNB_SETA010
207. Engineering Structures 1 2 2 0 v 5 EKNB_SETA011
208. Engineering Structures 2 2 2 0 v 6 EKNB_SETA012
209. Engineering Structures 3 2 2 0 f 5 EKNB_SETA013
210. CAD in Structural Engineering 3 0 0 v 4
211. BIM in Structural Engineering 3 0 0 v 4
212. Analysis and Design of Structures 2 1 0 v 5 EKNB_SETA011
213. Introduction to Civil Engineering 2 0 0 f 3
214. Engineering Technologies 2 1 0 f 4 EKNB_EETA020
215. Engineering Maintenance 2 1 0 f 4 EKNB_SETA032
216. Structural Engineering Project 1 2 1 0 f 6 EKNB_SETA012 ÉS EKNB_SETA006
217. Structural Engineering Project 2 2 2 0 f 8 EKNB_SETA034
218. Geotechnics in Practice 2 1 0 f 4 EKNB_SETA007
219. Timber Structures 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_SETA014
220. Steel Structures 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_SETA013
221. Reinforced Concrete Structures 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_SETA013
222. Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_SETA006 ÉS EKNB_SETA030
223. Engineering Capability Development 0 4 0 f 4
224. Bridge Structures 2 2 1 0 v 4 EKNB_SETA009
225. BIM - Building Information Modelling 2 0 0 f 2
226. Modern methodologies in structural engineering 2 0 0 f 4
227. Thesis Consultation (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 15
228. Building Constuction Design Project 0 6 0 f 6
229. Building Diagnostics 2 0 0 v 2
230. Building Physics 2 2 0 v 4
231. Energy-Conscious Building Design 2 2 0 v 4
232. Complex Construction Design 0 4 0 f 4
233. Space-Color-Light 0 2 0 f 2
234. Modern and Contemporary Arts 2 0 0 v 2
235. Advanced Architectural Visualisation 0 4 0 f 4
236. Complex Design 3. 0 8 0 f 14 EKNM_ETTA018 VAGY EKNM_ETTM018
237. Design Methodology 4 0 0 f 4
238. Interior and Spatial Design 2. 0 4 0 f 4 EKNM_ETTA016
239. Interior and Spatial Design 3. 0 4 0 f 4 EKNM_ETTA004 ÉS EKNM_ETTA018
240. Design 2 2 0 v 4
241. Architectural Project 3. 0 4 0 f 4
242. Interior and Spatial Design 1. 2 2 0 f 4
243. Complex Design 1. 0 8 0 f 10
244. Complex Design 2. 0 8 0 f 14 EKNM_ETTA017 VAGY EKNM_ETTM017
245. Thesis Consultation (Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 26
246. Architectural Converstation 2 2 0 f 4
247. Historical Building Structures1 2 0 0 v 2
248. Historical Building Structures 2 2 0 0 v 2
249. The Language of Architecture 2 0 0 f 2
250. Theory of Architecture 2 0 0 f 2
251. Building Refurbishment 0 4 0 f 4
252. History of Hungarian Architecture 1 2 0 0 v 2
253. History of Hungarian Architecture 2 2 0 0 v 2 EKNM_EVTA018
254. Building Survey 0 2 0 f 2
255. Traffic safety 2 1 0 v 4
256. Sustainable settlements and transport 2 1 0 v 4
257. Road and railway construction 2 1 0 v 4
258. Hydraulic engineering 2 1 0 v 4
259. Pedestrian and cycle traffic 2 1 0 v 4
260. Road construction materials 2 1 0 v 4
261. Road pavements 2 1 0 v 4
262. Road design and traffic engineering 2 1 0 v 4
263. Case studies in railway construction 2 1 0 f 3
264. Railway track diagnostics 2 1 0 v 4
265. Engineering publication and presentation 2 0 0 v 2
266. Civil 3D 0 3 0 v 4
267. Final year project 0 0 0 f 20
268. Transport Geography 2 0 0 v 2
269. Design of structures 2 1 1 0 f 2
270. Tunnels 3 0 0 v 4
271. Earthwork 3 0 0 v 4
272. Bridge construction 3 0 0 v 4
273. Engineering Ethics 2 0 0 f 2
274. Case studies in Geotechnics 2 1 0 f 3
275. Geotechnical structures and technologies 2 1 0 v 4
276. Geotechnical design 1 2 1 0 v 4
277. Geotechnical design 2 2 1 0 v 4
278. Advanced soil mechanics 2 1 0 v 4
279. Soil investigation and testing 2 1 0 f 4
280. Seismic design 2 1 0 v 4
281. Mechanics for Civil Engineering 3 0 0 v 4
282. Final year project 0 0 0 f 20
283. Trainings Methodology 6 0 0 f 2
284. Recreology 6 0 0 f 2
285. Trainings Methodology 0 2 0 f 2
286. Recreology 0 2 0 f 2
287. Sport Tourism 1 2 0 f 6
288. Statics 2 2 0 v 5 GKNB_MSTA001
289. Strength of Materials 2 2 0 v 5 GKNB_AMTA001
290. Dynamics 2 2 0 v 5
291. Vibrations 2 2 0 v 5 GKNB_AMTA004
292. Introduction to Finite Element Methods 2 2 0 f 5 GKNB_AMTA003
293. Mechanisms 2 2 0 f 5 GKNB_AMTA004
294. Control Theory 2 1 0 v 5
295. Electrotechnics 2 1 0 v 5
296. The Basics of Technical Physics 3 1 0 v 5
297. Fundamental Physics for Civil Engineers 2 0 0 v 4
298. Technical Chemistry 2 2 0 f 5
299. History of Physics 3 0 0 v 4
300. Logistics Informatics 2 0 0 v 4
301. Programming basics 2 2 0 v 5
302. Operating Motor Vehicles II 2 0 0 v 4
303. Technical Diagnostics 2 0 0 v 4
304. Official Service Centers and Dealerships 2 0 0 v 4 GKNB_KVTA002
305. Operating Motor Vehicles I 2 0 0 v 4
306. Technical Drawing 1 2 2 0 f 5
307. Thermo- and Hydrodynamics 2 2 0 f 5
308. Operations of Machines 2 2 0 f 5 GKNB_MGTA003
309. Fire and Occupational Safety 2 0 0 f 3
310. Machine Design and Modelling 2 3 0 f 5 GKNB_MGTA001
311. Machine Elements 2 3 0 v 5 GKNB_MGTA009
312. Computer Aided Modelling and Design 0 0 2 f 5 GKNB_MGTA010
313. Mathematics 1 4 2 0 v 5
314. Methods of Engineering Calculation I 0 2 0 v 2
315. Introduction to the use of computers 0 2 0 f 2
316. Mathematics 2 2 2 0 v 5 GKNB_MSTA001
317. Business IT tools 0 2 0 f 2
318. Mathematics 3 2 2 0 v 5 GKNB_MSTA008
319. Mathematics 1 for Economists 2 2 0 v 4
320. Mathematics II for Economists 2 2 0 v 4
321. Technical Calculations 2 2 0 v 5
322. Industrial Mathematics and Computer Simulations I 2 2 0 v 5 GKNB_MSTA001
323. Industrial Mathematics and Computer Simulations II 2 2 0 v 5 GKNB_MSTA026
324. Dynamics of Machines 2 2 0 v 5
325. CAE methods 2 1 0 v 5
326. Interface Technologies 2 2 0 v 5
327. Automatic Controls 2 0 0 v 5
328. Electric Machines 2 1 0 v 5
329. Electric drive systems 2 1 0 v 5
330. Design of Virtual Instrument 2 0 1 v 5
331. Nanoelectronics 2 0 0 v 3
332. Measuring Theories and Techniques 2 2 0 v 5
333. Photometry and Colorimetry 2 2 0 v 4
334. Computer Image Analysis 2 2 0 v 4
335. Nuclear Technology 2 0 0 v 2
336. Formal Languages and Automata 4 0 0 v 4
337. Logic 2 2 0 v 5
338. System and Software Testing 2 2 0 v 4
339. IT Project Management 2 2 0 v 4
340. Knowledge Base Technologies and Planning 1 2 0 v 4
341. Optimization of Discrete Systems 2 2 0 v 4
342. Enterprise Resource Planning 0 4 0 v 6
343. Compilers 2 2 0 v 4
344. Modern Technologies of System Development 2 0 0 v 3
345. Adaptive Systems 3 0 0 v 4
346. Computational Intelligence 2 2 0 v 5
347. Software Examination 3 0 0 v 4
348. Introduction to Bioinformatics 3 0 0 v 4
349. Complexity Theory 3 0 0 v 4
350. Document Management Systems 2 0 0 v 3
351. Data Mining 2 1 0 v 4
352. Platform-Independent Programming 2 1 0 v 4
353. Programming in LabView 0 3 0 v 4
354. IT in Supply Chain 2 0 0 f 4
355. Thesis Consultation I. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 15
356. Thesis Consultation II. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 15 GKNM_INTA098
357. Risk Analysis 2 0 0 f 5
358. Theory of Algorithms 2 2 0 v 5
359. Numerical Analysis 2 2 0 v 5
360. Mathematical Models and Methods 2 2 0 v 5
361. Stochastic Processes 2 2 0 v 4
362. Data Analysis 4 0 0 v 4
363. Parallel programming 1 2 0 v 4
364. Coding Theory 4 0 0 v 5
365. Information Security 2 0 2 v 5
366. Internet of Things 3 0 1 v 5
367. Cloud Computing 2 0 2 f 5
368. Asian Studies 12 0 0 v 4
369. Business Studies 12 0 0 f 4
370. Marketing Communications in Tourism and Hospitality 12 0 0 f 4
371. African Studies 12 0 0 f 4
372. Managerial skills 12 0 0 f 4
373. Process Management 12 0 0 v 4
374. International and Intercultural Marketing 15 0 0 v 5
375. Global Economics 12 0 0 v 4
376. Smart Cities 12 0 0 v 4
377. Leadership and Organizational Communication 15 0 0 v 5
378. Management Competencies 15 0 0 f 5
379. Finance 2 2 0 v 6
380. Statistics 2 2 0 v 4
381. Statistics I 2 2 0 v 6
382. Statistics II 2 2 0 v 6
383. Accounting I. 2 2 0 v 6
384. Accounting II 2 1 0 v 4
385. Taxation 0 2 0 v 4
386. Corporate Finance 2 2 0 v 6
387. Controlling 2 2 0 v 6
388. Financial management 2 2 0 v 6
389. Professional Training 0 0 0 f 20
390. Nonprofit economics 2 0 0 v 4
391. Thesis Consultation (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 10
392. Business Economics 2 2 0 v 6
393. Marketing 2 2 0 v 6
394. Human Resources Management 2 2 0 v 6
395. Information Management 2 0 0 v 4
396. Process and quality management 2 2 0 v 6
397. Management 2 2 0 v 6
398. Management 2 0 0 v 4
399. Project Management 0 2 0 b-5 4
400. Strategic Management 2 2 0 v 6
401. Operations Management 2 2 0 v 6
402. Business Economics 3 0 0 v 5
403. Organisational Behaviour 2 0 0 v 4
404. History of EU 2 0 0 b-5 4
405. Risk management 2 0 0 v 4
406. Environmental Economics 2 0 0 v 4
407. Macroeconomics 1 2 0 v 6
408. Microeconomics 2 2 0 v 6
409. International Economics 2 0 0 v 4
410. History of International Relations (1815-1945) 2 0 0 v 4
411. EU Studies 2 0 0 v 4
412. Business Planning 2 0 0 v 4
413. Corporate Responsibility 2 0 0 v 4
414. Global Economics 2 0 0 v 4
415. International Relations after 1945 2 0 0 v 4
416. Asian Studies 2 0 0 v 4
417. Economics 1 0 0 v 4
418. Business Analysis in Excel 2 2 0 v 6
419. Foreign Economic Policy 2 0 0 v 4
420. Professional foreign language I/1 0 2 0 f 3
421. Professional Foreign Language Course I/2. 0 2 0 f 3
422. OECONOM Professional Language Prep Course I. 2 2 0 b-3 0
423. OECONOM Professional Language Prep Course II. 2 2 0 b-3 0
424. ORIGO General B2 Prep Course 2 2 0 b-3 0
425. ORIGO General C1 Prep Course 2 2 0 b-3 0
426. English for Tourism Exam Prep Course (B2) 2 2 0 b-3 0
427. English for Tourism Exam Prep Course (C1) 2 2 0 f 0
428. TELC General B2 Prep Course 2 2 0 b-3 0
429. TELC General C1 Prep Course 2 2 0 f 0
430. Exchange Course 2. 0 0 0 f 3
431. Exchange Course 3. 0 0 0 f 4
432. Regional Studies 2 0 0 v 4
433. Urban Economics 2 0 0 v 4
434. Regional Economics 2 0 0 v 4
435. EU Policies 2 0 0 v 3
436. Business Studies 0 2 0 f 4
437. Marketing Communications in Tourism and Hospitality 0 2 0 f 4
438. African Studies 2 0 0 f 4
439. Soft skills and leadership essentials 2 2 0 v 5
440. Managerial skills 0 2 0 f 4
441. Managerial accounting 2 2 0 v 4
442. Research Methodology 0 2 0 v 4
443. Advanced Corporate Finance 0 2 0 v 4
444. Resources management of nont-for-profit sector 2 0 0 v 3
445. Financial Issues and Entrepreneurial Forms in Tourism 2 0 0 v 3
446. Marketing Management 2 2 0 v 6
447. Process Management 2 0 0 v 4
448. Advanced Strategic Management 2 0 0 v 4
449. Consumption Theory and Consumer Behaviour 2 0 0 v 4
450. Service Marketing and Management 2 2 0 v 6
451. Media Knowledge and Public Relations Planning 2 2 0 v 6
452. Supply Chain Management 2 2 0 v 6
453. Product and Brand Strategies 2 0 0 v 4
454. International and Intercultural Marketing 1 2 0 v 5
455. Marketing Information, Decision-Supporting and Controlling System 0 2 0 v 4
456. Procurement 2 1 0 v 6
457. Advanced Project Management 2 0 0 v 4
458. Business Statistics and Data Mining 1 2 0 v 4
459. Marketing Research, Environmental and Market Analysis 2 2 0 v 6
460. Marketing Strategy 2 2 0 v 6
461. Advanced Human Resource Management 2 2 0 v 6
462. Making Complex Marketing Plans 0 2 0 v 4
463. Business Competence Training 0 4 0 f 5
464. Planning and Resources of Integrated Marketing Communication 2 2 0 v 6
465. Thesis Consultation I. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 5
466. Thesis Consultation II. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 10 KGNM_MMTA198
467. Theories of Economics 2 0 0 v 4
468. Market Theory 2 2 0 v 6
469. Business Planning and Controlling 1 2 0 v 5
470. Global Economics 2 0 0 v 4
471. Advanced International Economics 2 0 0 v 4
472. International Business Economics 2 0 0 v 4
473. International organizations and decision-making 2 0 0 v 4
474. Funding system of EU and the tenders 0 2 0 v 4
475. Advanced Macroeconomics 2 0 0 v 4
476. Thesis Consultation I. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 5
477. Thesis Consultation II. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 10 KGNM_NETA098
478. Hungarian Language and Culture 2 2 0 f 3
479. EU regional policy 2 0 0 v 4
480. Regional Economics 2 2 0 v 6
481. Territorial policy 2 0 0 v 4
482. Smart Cities 2 0 0 v 4
483. Regional Tourism Area-development and Management 2 2 0 v 5
484. Gastronomic management 2 2 0 v 5
485. International Hotels Management 2 2 0 f 5
486. Attraction and Visitorsmanagement 0 2 0 f 4
487. E-marketing in Tourism 0 2 0 f 3
488. Tourist Routes in International Tourism 2 0 0 v 4
489. Thesis Consultation I. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 5
490. Tourism Area-planning and its Institutional and Legal System 2 2 0 f 5
491. Tourism-destination Management and Marketing 2 2 0 f 5
492. Cultural and Creative Tourism 0 2 0 f 3
493. Organising of Regional Tourism Projects 0 2 0 f 4
494. Thesis Consultation II. ( Master Programme) 0 0 0 f 10
495. Digitalisation in Tourism Industry 1 2 0 f 6
496. Active Tourism 1 2 0 f 4
497. Gastronomic-wellness 1 2 0 f 4
498. Leadership and Organizational Communication 2 2 0 v 5
499. Management Competencies 2 2 0 f 5
500. The Origin, Habitat and Conservation of our Arable Weeds 12 0 0 v 4
501. Genetics 2 0 0 v 4
502. Animal Health and Hygiene 2 2 0 v 4 MENB_ÁTTA022 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
503. Porcine and Poultry Breeding 3 2 0 v 4 MENB_ÁTTA033 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
504. Bovine and Sheep Breeding 2 2 0 v 4 MENB_ÁTTA033 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
505. Basic animal nutration and feeding 2 1 0 v 4
506. Animal Physiology 2 1 0 v 4
507. Horse Husbandry and Breeding 2 1 0 v 3
508. Universal Animal Husbandry 2 1 0 v 4
509. Biology 3 1 0 v 4
510. Pet Breeding 2 1 0 v 4
511. Animal Hygiene 1 2 0 v 4
512. Human resource management 2 1 0 v 4
513. Basic Principles of Economics 2 0 0 v 3
514. Agricultural basic studies 2 1 0 v 4
515. Farm management I. 2 2 0 v 4 MENB_AVTA008 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
516. Farm management II. 2 1 0 v 4 MENB_AVTA011
517. Statistics 2 2 0 v 4
518. Methodology of Agricultural Extension 2 0 0 v 4
519. Basics of Accounting 2 1 0 v 4
520. Agricultural Economics I. 1 1 0 v 4
521. Managing Enterprises 2 2 0 v 5
522. Agromarketing I. 2 2 0 v 4
523. Rural tourism 2 1 0 v 4
524. Services Marketing 2 1 0 v 4
525. Foreign Trade 2 1 0 v 4
526. Agricultural subsidies and taxes 2 1 0 v 4
527. Basic banking knowledge 2 1 0 v 4
528. Agricultural engineering basics 2 1 0 v 4
529. Enviornmental Management 6 2 0 f 15
530. Plant production machines 2 1 0 v 4
531. Geographic information system 1 2 0 v 4
532. Animal husbandry machines 2 1 0 v 4
533. Basic machines in food industry 2 1 0 v 5
534. Measurement and automatization 2 2 0 v 5
535. Food unit operations 4 2 0 v 6
536. Physics 2 1 0 v 4
537. Informatics 1 2 0 v 4
538. Mathematics 2 2 0 v 4
539. Advance food unit operations 2 1 0 v 4
540. General Microbiology 2 2 0 v 4
541. Food analytics 1 2 2 0 v 5 MENB_BÉTA033 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
542. Food analytics 2 2 2 0 v 5 MENB_ÉTTA002 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
543. Introduction to Chemistry 0 1 0 v 2
544. Additional processes in food production 2 0 0 v 5
545. Food Microbiology and Hygiene 1 3 2 0 v 6 MENB_ÉTTA001 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
546. Characterization of food matrices 2 0 0 v 4
547. Food chemistry 3 2 0 v 5 MENB_VKTA021 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
548. Food technology 1. (Mill, bakery and confectionery technologies) 2 2 0 v 4 MENB_BÉTA032 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
549. Food technology 2. (Preservation technologies) 2 2 0 v 4 MENB_ÉTTA010
550. Food technology 3. (Winemaking, Brewing and Spirit technologies) 3 2 0 v 6 MENB_ÉTTA011
551. Food technology 4. (Dairy industry) 2 1 0 v 5
552. Physical chemistry 2 0 0 v 4 MENB_BÉTA036 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
553. Food Microbiology and Hygiene 2. 2 1 0 v 4 MENB_ÉTTA006 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
554. Quality assurance basics 2 0 0 v 3
555. Food testing methodes 1 2 0 v 5
556. Food quality assurance 2 1 0 v 4
557. Professional practice 0 0 0 f 30
558. Practice I. 0 0 0 a 0
559. Practice II. 0 0 0 a 0
560. Practice III. 0 0 0 a 0
561. Disaster management 1 2 0 v 4
562. Thesis Consultation I. (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 5
563. Thesis Consultation II. (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 5
564. Thesis Consultation III. (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 5
565. Pratical training III. 0 0 0 a 0
566. Pratical training IV. 0 0 0 a 0
567. Internship 0 0 0 f 30
568. Pratical training I. 0 0 0 a 0
569. Pratical training II 0 0 0 a 0
570. Horticulture 2 0 0 v 4
571. Plant physiology 2 2 0 v 4
572. Animal pests in agriculture 2 1 0 v 4
573. Crop production I. 2 2 0 v 4 MENB_NTTA038 ; a 2024-09-01 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
574. Crop production II. 3 3 0 v 4 MENB_NTTA038 ; A 2024-08-31 ELŐTT KEZDETTEKNEK MENB_NTTA027
575. Grassland management 2 2 0 v 4
576. Phytopathology 2 1 0 v 4
577. Basic technology for crop protection 2 0 0 v 4
578. Principles of plant production 2 2 0 v 4
579. Soil management 2 2 0 v 4
580. From bio farming to gene technology 2 1 0 v 4
581. Precision crop production 2 1 0 v 4
582. Alternative crop production 2 1 0 v 4
583. Growing of ornamental plants 2 1 0 v 4
584. Thesis Consultation I. (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 5
585. Thesis Consultation II. (Bachelor Programme) 0 0 0 f 6
586. Principles of Agrometeorology 2 1 0 v 4
587. Biochemistry 2 1 0 v 4
588. The Basics of Chemistry 2 2 0 v 4
589. Botany 2 1 0 v 4
590. Organic Chemistry 2 2 0 v 5
591. The Basics of Pedology 2 1 0 v 4
592. The Basics of Water Management 2 2 0 v 4
593. Zoology 2 1 0 v 4
594. General and Inorganic Chemistry 2 2 0 v 4
595. The Origin, Habitat and Conservation of our Arable Weeds 2 1 0 v 4
596. The Origin, Habitat and Conservation of our Arable Weeds 2 0 0 v 4
597. Major I. 0 2 0 v 9
598. String Orchestra I. 0 2 0 f 2
599. String Orchestra II. 0 2 0 f 2
600. String Orchestra III. 0 2 0 f 2
601. String Orchestra IV. 0 2 0 f 2
602. Performing Arts Training (Concert) I. 0 0 0 a 0
603. Performing Arts Training (Concert) II. 0 0 0 a 0
604. Performing Arts Training (Concert) III 0 0 0 a 0
605. Performing Arts Training (Concert) IV. 0 0 0 a 0
606. Master Courses 0 0 0 f 2
607. Singing Accompaniment II. 0 1 0 v 2
608. Brass band I. 0 3 0 f 2
609. Instrumental accompaniment I. 0 1 0 v 2
610. Style practice and composition I. 2 0 0 f 2
611. Style practice and composition II. 2 0 0 f 2
612. Analysis I. 0 2 0 f 2
613. Analysis II. 0 2 0 f 2
614. Dissemination of music 0 2 0 f 2
615. History of music - folk music I. 2 2 0 v 2
616. History of music - folk music II. 2 2 0 v 2
617. History of music - folk music III. 2 2 0 v 2
618. History of music - folk music IV. 2 2 0 v 2
619. Chamber music I. 0 1 0 f 2
620. Chamber music II. 0 1 0 f 2
621. Chamber music III. 0 1 0 f 2
622. Chamber music IV. 0 1 0 f 2
623. Chorus I. 0 3 0 f 2
624. Chorus II. 0 3 0 f 2
625. Chorus III. 0 3 0 f 2
626. Chorus IV. 0 3 0 f 2
627. Contemporary musical practice 0 2 0 f 2
628. Chamber music - optional 1 0 1 0 f 2
629. Folk dance 1. 0 1 0 f 2
630. Folk dance 2. 0 1 0 f 2
631. Chamber music - optional 2 0 1 0 f 2
632. Piano accompaniment I. 0 1 0 a 0
633. Piano accompaniment II. 0 1 0 a 0
634. Piano accompaniment III. 0 1 0 a 0
635. Piano accompaniment IV. 0 1 0 a 0
636. Voice training I. 0 0.5 0 f 2
637. Voice training II. 0 0.5 0 f 2
638. Opera coaching - collaborative piano I. 0 1 0 f 2
639. Opera coaching - collaborative piano II. 0 1 0 f 2
640. Opera coaching - collaborative piano III. 0 1 0 f 2
641. Opera coaching - collaborative piano IV. 0 1 0 f 2
642. Voice training III. 0 0.5 0 f 2
643. Voice training IV. 0 0.5 0 f 2
644. Major II. 0 2 0 v 9
645. Singing Accompaniment I. 0 1 0 v 2
646. Brass Band II. 0 3 0 f 2
647. Brass Band III. 0 3 0 f 2
648. Brass Band IV. 0 3 0 f 2
649. Instrumental Accompaniment II. 0 1 0 v 2
650. Contemporary Chamber Music Training 0 2 0 f 3
651. Contemporary Piano Music I. 0 1 0 v 2
652. Contemporary Piano Music II. 0 1 0 v 2
653. Diploma Concert I. 0 0 0 f 7
654. Diploma Concert II. 0 0 0 f 8
655. Symphonic Orchestra I. 0 3 0 f 2
656. Symphonic Orchestra II. 0 3 0 f 2
657. Symphonic Orchestra III. 0 3 0 f 2
658. Symphonic Orchestra IV. 0 3 0 f 2
659. Major III. 0 2 0 v 9
660. Orchestral Materials I. 0 1 0 v 2
661. Orchestral Materials II. 0 1 0 v 2
662. Orchestral Materials III. 0 1 0 v 3
663. Major IV. 0 2 0 v 9
664. Optional Musical Instrument 2 0 1 0 f 2
665. Optional Musical Instrument 1 0 1 0 f 2
666. Orchestration I. 1 1 0 f 2
667. Orchestration II. 1 1 0 f 2
668. Conducting techniques I. 0 2 0 f 4
669. Conducting techniques II. 0 2 0 f 4
670. Conducting techniques III. 0 2 0 f 4
671. Conducting techniques IV. 0 2 0 f 4
672. Choir conducting I. 0 2 0 f 2
673. Choir Conducting II. 0 2 0 f 2
674. Orchestral conducting I. 0 2 0 f 2
675. Orchestral Conducting II. 0 2 0 f 2
676. Orchestral Conducting III. 0 2 0 f 2
677. Orchestral Conducting IV. 0 2 0 f 2
678. Research Methods I. 12 0 0 b-5 4
679. Housing Design 2. 0 4 0 f 4
680. Housing Design 3. 0 4 0 f 4 N_ED09
681. Public Building Design 2. 0 5 0 f 5
682. Public Building Design 3. 0 5 0 f 5
683. Interior Design 0 2 0 f 2 N_ED14
684. Diploma Design Project 0 20 0 b-3 30
685. Export Contract (Exportszerződések I.) 1 0 0 b-3 2 N_PE07
686. EU Commercial Law 1 0 0 b-3 4
687. Final year project 15 0 0 b-3 15
688. Mechatronics project 0 2 0 f 3
689. Standard methods of materials' characteriazation 2 1 0 v 3
690. Architectural Design Basics 0 2 0 f 2
691. History of Art 2 0 0 v 2
692. Drawing and form-learning 6. 0 2 0 f 2 NGB_EP007_5
693. ArchiCAD - Computer Aided Design for Architects 0 3 0 f 3
694. Building Construction 1. 0 2 0 b-5 2
695. Diploma thesis 0 15 0 b-3 15
696. History of Hungarian Architecture 2 0 0 b-5 2
697. Urban planning IV. - Public spaces 0 2 0 f 2
698. Urban planning V. - 20th and 21st century 1 3 0 v 4
699. Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry 2 0 0 v 2
700. Introduction to Digital Image Processing 2 2 0 v 4
701. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2 0 0 v 2
702. Final year project 0 0 0 b-5 15
703. UML-based development 3 0 0 v 4
704. Internet applications 3 0 0 v 4
705. Information modelling 3 0 0 v 4
706. Applications of Monte Carlo Simulation in Vehicle Industry 1 1 0 f 3
707. BSc Final Thesis in Computer Engineering 0 0 0 b-5 15
708. Intercultural communication 0 2 0 b-5 2
709. Foreign Language I. 0 4 0 b-3 4
710. Foreign Language II. 0 4 0 b-3 4
711. Manager communication 4 0 0 b-3 4
712. Business negotiations 0 4 0 b-5 4
713. Environmental Protection 2 0 0 v 2
714. Ecology 3 1 0 v 3
715. Environmental Management, Environmental Performance Evaluation 2 2 0 v 3
716. Communal Waste Management 2 0 0 v 2
717. Europe's Environment 2 0 0 v 3
718. Population Dynamics 2 0 0 v 3
719. Transportplanning 2 2 0 v 2
720. Transportplanning models 0 2 0 f 2 NGB_KO106_1
721. Public transport 3 0 0 v 2
722. Transport project 0 3 0 f 2 NGB_KO106_1
723. Traffic Noise 2 0 0 f 4
724. Final theis on Mechatronics 0 0 0 f 30
725. Supply chain mamagement 3 1 0 v 4
726. Solfeggio 0 2 0 f 2
727. Principal instrument - organ 2 0 0 v 7
728. Principal instrument - Piano 0 2 0 v 7
729. Vocal performance 0 2 0 v 7
730. Soundpainting 0 2 0 f 2
731. Hungarian folks dance 0 2 0 f 2
732. Presentation Skills Development 0 2 0 f 2
733. European Sources of Constitutional Law ( Az Alkotmányjog európai forrásai) 2 0 0 b-3 1
734. Local policy, local society 2 0 0 v 3
735. Linear elasticity in 3D 2 1 0 v 3
736. Engineering Methods of Planning 2 0 0 f 3
737. Reinforced Concrete Structures I. 2 1 0 v 3
738. Steel structures 2 1 0 v 4 NGB_SE001_2
739. Structural engineering project II. 0 2 0 f 3 NGB_SE004_2
740. Diploma thesis 15 0 0 b-3 15
741. Projekt I. 0 4 1 f 2
742. Marketing research (BSc) 2 2 0 v 5
743. International marketing (BSc) 2 2 0 v 5
744. Service marketing (BSc) 2 0 0 v 3
745. Marketing communication I. (BSc) 2 2 0 v 5
746. Electronic I. 4 0 0 v 5
747. Electronic II. 4 0 0 v 5
748. Technical acoustics 3 0 1 v 4
749. InformationTheory 4 0 0 v 5
750. In-company studies in Telecom and IT Laboratories at the Széchenyi István University 4 0 0 f 8
751. System simulations 2 0 0 f 4
752. Basics of optical Telecommunications 3 0 1 v 4
753. Automatic measurement control 1 0 4 f 5
754. Project labor I. BSc 4 0 0 f 3
755. Project labor II. BSc 4 0 0 f 5
756. Diploma thesis I. BSc 0 0 0 f 5
757. Diploma thesis II. BSc 0 0 0 f 5
758. Pincipal instrument - Flute 0 2 0 v 10
759. Principal instrument - Trumpet 0 2 0 v 7
760. Principal instrument - Bassoon 0 2 0 v 7
761. Principal instrument -Trombone 0 2 0 v 7
762. Principal instrument - Horn 0 2 0 v 7
763. Principal instrument - Oboe 0 2 0 v 7
764. Principal instrument - Tuba 0 2 0 v 7
765. Principal instrument - Clarinet 0 2 0 v 7
766. Chamber Music 0 2 0 f 2
767. Chamber Music 0 2 0 f 2
768. Chamber Music 0 2 0 f 2
769. Chamber Music 0 2 0 f 2
770. Principal instrument - Guitar 0 2 0 v 7
771. Symphonic orchestra 0 3 0 f 2
772. Principal instrument - percussions 0 2 0 v 7
773. Principal instrument - Cello 0 2 0 v 7
774. Principal instrument - Violin 0 2 0 v 7
775. Principal instrument - Double bass 0 2 0 v 7
776. Principal instrument - Viola 0 2 0 v 7
777. String orchestra 0 2 0 b-3 1
778. Performance Anylyisis of ICT systems 0 0 0 v 4
779. PhD System Simulation 4 0 0 v 4
780. Diploma thesis 2 0 0 b-3 20
781. Pedestrian and cycle traffic 2 1 0 v 3
782. Selected Topics in Traffic Engineering 2 1 0 v 3
783. Sustainable settlements and transport 2 1 0 v 4
784. Selected topics of road planning and design 2 1 0 v 3
785. Road pavements 2 1 0 v 3
786. Diploma thesis 0 2 0 b-3 20
787. Hydraulic Engineering 2 1 0 v 3
788. Road construction materials 2 1 0 v 3
789. Road Safety 2 0 0 v 3
790. Settlement Composition 2 1 0 f 4
791. Town Reconstruction 2 1 0 f 4
792. History of Settlements 2 1 0 f 4
793. Microphysics 2 0 0 v 2
794. Nanoelectronics 2 0 0 v 3
795. Intelligent Systems 4 0 0 v 4
796. Programing LabVIEW Language 0 3 0 f 4
797. MSc Final Thesis in Computer Engineering 1. 0 0 0 b-5 15
798. MSc Final Thesis in Computer Engineering 2. 0 0 0 b-5 15
799. Company and Competition Law 2 0 0 v 4
800. Introduction to Hungarian and International Environmental Law 2 2 0 b-5 4
801. Introduction to Hungarian Administrative Law 2 0 0 f 4
802. Introduction to the Hungarian Administrative Procedure 2 0 0 f 4
803. Legal regulation of Hungarian self-governments 2 0 0 f 4
804. Organization of the Hungarian Public Administration 2 0 0 f 4
805. Distribution and Supply Management 2 2 0 v 5
806. Numerical Methods 2 0 0 v 2
807. Stochastic Processes 2 2 0 v 4
808. Symphonic band 0 3 0 f 2
809. European Business Law 2 0 0 b-5 4
810. International Dimension of Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques 2 0 0 f 4
811. Introduction to EU Public Law 2 0 0 b-5 4
812. Introduction to International Environmental Law 2 2 0 b-5 4
813. Introduction to the Law of International Finance 2 0 0 f 4
814. Introduction to WTO Law 2 0 0 b-5 4
815. Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice of the EU 2 0 0 b-5 4
816. Matters of Nationality in International Law 2 0 0 b-5 4
817. Prohibition of the Use of Force in International Law: Evolution and Contemporary Issues 2 0 0 b-5 4
818. Intercultural Manager Communication 2 2 0 v 5
819. European Sources of Constitutional Law ( Az Alkotmányjog európai forrásai) 2 0 0 b-3 4
820. Continuum Mechanics 2 1 0 v 4
821. Earthworks 2 1 0 v 3
822. Tunnels 3 0 0 v 3
823. Individual research project 1 0 0 f 3 NGM_SE101_1
824. Geotechnical design I. 2 1 0 f 3
825. Geotechnical structures and technologies 2 1 0 f 3
826. Case studies in geotechnics 2 0 0 f 3
827. Diploma thesis 2 0 0 b-3 20
828. Engineering Ethics 2 0 0 f 3
829. Direct Marketing Methods 2 2 0 v 5
830. Coding Theory 4 0 0 v 5
831. Optical Telecommunications an Sensors 4 0 0 v 5
832. Project Labor I. MSc 4 0 0 f 5
833. Project Labor II. MSc 4 0 0 f 10
834. Advanced automatic measurement control 1 0 4 f 5
835. Diploma thesis I. MSc. 0 0 0 b-5 15
836. Diploma thesis II. MSc. 0 0 0 b-5 15
837. Regimi Politici D’Italia Nel XX Secolo 2 0 0 b-3 4
838. Théorie de Droit 4 0 0 b-3 4
839. Olaszország politikai rendszerei a 20. században (Regimi Politici D’Italia Nel XX Secolo) 2 0 0 b-3 3
840. Migráció - történelem - jog (1880-1939) 2 0 0 b-3 1
841. Agricultural and Food Law 2 0 0 f 4
842. International Environmental Cases and Judicial Decisions 2 2 0 b-3 3
843. EU and Hungarian Consumer Law 2 0 0 b-3 4
844. Parliaments In Central-Eastern Europe 1 0 0 b-3 4
845. Winter Seminar 2 0 0 f 4

Erasmus Hungarian/magyar
ssz. kód megnevezés heti
bszf. krp előtanulmányi
1. Stílusgyakorlatok II. 2. nyelv 0 4 0 f 5 AKNB_NKTM001
2. Művészettörténet II. 2 0 0 v 2
3. Művészettörténet I. 2 0 0 v 2
4. Építészeti tervezés 3. 0 8 0 f 14 EKNB_ETTM013 ÉS EKNB_EVTM010 ; A 2019-08-31 ELŐTT KEZDETTEKNEK EKNB_ETTM013
5. Várostervezés 3 1 1 0 f 2 EKNB_EVTM010 ÉS EKNB_ETTM013 ; A 2019-08-31 ELŐTT KEZDETTEKNEK EKNB_EVTM010
6. Pénzügytan 2 2 0 v 6
7. Statisztika I. 2 2 0 v 6
8. Statisztika II. 2 2 0 v 6
9. Számvitel II. 1 2 0 v 4
10. Vállalati pénzügyek 2 2 0 v 6
11. Kontrolling 2 2 0 v 6
12. Pénzügyi menedzsment 2 2 0 v 6
13. Marketingkutatás 2 2 0 v 6
14. E-marketing 2 0 0 v 4
15. Nemzetközi marketing 1 2 0 v 5
16. Emberi erőforrás menedzsment 2 2 0 v 6
17. Szolgáltatásmarketing 1 0 0 v 4
18. Menedzsment 2 2 0 v 6
19. Menedzsment 2 0 0 v 4
20. Projektmenedzsment 0 2 0 v 4
21. Szervezeti magatartás 2 0 0 v 4
22. Kockázatmenedzsment 2 0 0 v 4
23. Környezet-gazdaságtan 2 0 0 v 4
24. Nemzetközi gazdaságtan 2 0 0 v 4
25. Gasztronómiai alapismeretek 2 0 0 f 3
26. Idegenforgalmi földrajz (nemzetközi) 1 2 0 v 5
27. Rendezvényszervezés alapjai 1 0 0 v 3
28. Szállodai alapismeretek 1 2 0 v 3
29. Utazásszervezés és értékesítés I. 1 2 0 v 4
30. Vendéglátóipari egységek gépei, berendezései 2 0 0 v 3
31. Értékesítési ismeretek I. 0 2 0 f 3
32. Ételkészítési ismeretek I. 0 3 0 f 3
33. Tendenciák a szállodaiparban 0 2 0 f 4
34. Haladó kutatásmódszertan 0 2 0 v 4
35. Marketingmenedzsment 2 2 0 v 6
36. Stratégiai menedzsment felsőfokon 2 0 0 v 4
37. HR controlling 2 2 0 v 4
38. Beszerzés 2 1 0 v 6
39. Szervezeti viselkedés 2 2 0 v 4
40. Változás-és tudásmenedzsment 0 4 0 v 5
41. Közgazdasági elméletek 2 0 0 v 4
42. Haladó világgazdaságtan 2 0 0 v 4
43. Üzleti etika felsőfokon 2 0 0 v 4
44. Innovációmenedzsment és vállalkozásindítás 0 2 0 f 4
45. Partitúraismeret I. 0 2 0 f 2
46. Partitúraismeret II. 0 2 0 f 2
47. Általános zenetörténet V. 2 0 0 v 2
48. Általános zenetörténet VI. 2 0 0 v 2
49. Főtárgyi korrepetíció V. 0 1 0 a 0
50. Főtárgyi korrepetíció VI. 0 1 0 a 0
51. Kamarazene V. 0 1 0 f 2
52. Kamarazene VI. 0 1 0 f 2
53. Kortárs zenei gyakorlat I. 0 1 0 f 2
54. Kortárs zenei gyakorlat II. 0 1 0 f 2
55. Magyar zenetörténet I. 1 0 0 v 2
56. Magyar zenetörténet II. 1 0 0 v 2
57. Opera- és oratóriumismeret I. 2 0 0 v 2
58. Zenekar V. 0 3 0 f 2
59. Zenekar VI. 0 3 0 f 2
60. Előadói gyakorlat (Hangversenyezés) V. 0 0 0 a 0
61. Előadói gyakorlat (Hangversenyezés) VI. 0 0 0 a 0
62. Főtárgy V. 0 2 0 v 7
63. Főtárgy VI. 0 2 0 v 7
64. Mesterkurzusok 0 0 0 f 2
65. Kamarazene II. 0 1 0 f 2
66. Opera- és oratóriumismeret II. 2 0 0 v 2
67. Opera- és oratóriumismeret 2 1 0 0 f 2
68. Diplomahangverseny I. 0 0 0 f 3
69. Diplomahangverseny II. 0 0 0 f 3
70. Fakultatív zenekar 1 0 3 0 f 2
71. Fakultatív zenekar 2 0 3 0 f 2
72. Kelet-Közép-Európa 20. századi története, fejlődési trendjei 12 0 0 b-3 5
73. Regionális gazdaságtan 12 0 0 b-3 5
74. A területi elemzések módszerei 12 0 0 b-3 5
75. Kelet-Közép-Európa térszerkezete 12 0 0 b-3 5
76. Globalizáció és az európai folyamatok 12 0 0 b-3 5
77. Többváltozós területi elemzési módszerek 12 0 0 b-3 5
78. A város és térsége a területpolitikában 12 0 0 b-3 5
79. SPSS használata I. 12 0 0 b-3 4
80. Mechanika-Rezgéstan 2 2 0 v 4 NGB_AG002_3
81. Számítógépes modellezés és tervezés 1 2 0 f 4
82. Pénzügytan I. 2 2 0 v 5
83. Vállalati pénzügyek 2 2 0 v 5
84. Kontrolling 2 0 0 v 2
85. Pénzügyi szolgáltatások 2 2 0 v 5
86. Teljesítmény elektronika 3 1 1 v 4
87. Gazdasági rendszerek szimulációja I. 2 0 0 v 3
88. Programozás III. 2 3 0 v 6
89. Szoftver-technológia II. 4 0 0 v 5
90. Operációs rendszerek 3 2 0 v 6
91. Adatbáziskezelés 2 2 0 v 5
92. Nyelv és stílusgyakorlat I. 2.nyelv 0 4 0 b-5 4
93. Műszaki diagnosztika 3 0 0 v 4
94. Statisztika I. 2 2 0 v 5
95. Statisztika II. 2 2 0 v 5
96. Marketing 2 2 0 v 5
97. Menedzsment 2 2 0 v 5
98. Emberi erőforrás menedzsment 2 2 0 v 5
99. Fogyasztói magatartás 2 2 0 v 5
100. Szakszeminárium 0 2 0 b-3 2
101. Humán menedzsment 2 0 0 v 3
102. Online marketing 2 0 0 v 2
103. EU tanulmányok 2 0 0 v 3
104. Prezentáció és íráskészségfejlesztés 1 1 0 f 3
105. Logisztika menedzsment (Logisztika) 2 2 0 v 5
106. Szolgáltatás menedzsment 2 0 0 v 4
107. Marketingkutatás, környezet- és piacelemzés 2 2 0 v 5
108. Marketingstratégia 2 2 0 v 5
109. Marketing információs, döntéstámogató és kontrolling rendszer 2 2 0 v 5
110. Médiaismeret és tervezés 4 0 0 v 5
111. Szakszeminárium II. 0 8 0 b-3 10 NGM_SV027_1 ; a 2010-07-20 előtt kezdetteknek nincs
112. Változás és tudásmenedzsment 2 2 0 v 5
113. Szervezeti kultúra és vezetői magatartás 2 2 0 v 5
114. Szervezetpszichológiai és vezetői tréning 0 4 0 f 5
115. HR a gyakorlatban 0 2 0 f 3

Erasmus German/német
ssz. kód megnevezés heti
bszf. krp előtanulmányi
1. Materialwissenschaften 2 2 0 v 5
2. Verbrennungsmotoren I. 3 0 0 v 5
3. Projektarbeit 2. 0 2 0 f 5
4. Verbrennunsmotoren II. 2 0 2 v 5
5. Motor- und Fahrzeugversuch 2 0 2 v 5
6. Kernelemente der Gesamtfahrzeugentwicklung 2 0 0 f 5
7. Projektarbeit 1. 0 2 0 f 5
8. CAE Methoden 2 1 0 v 5
9. Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik 2 0 0 v 5
10. Numerische Analyse 2 2 0 v 5
11. Produtionsplanung und Produktionsmanagement 2 1 0 v 3
12. Moderne Konstruktionswerkstoffe 2 2 0 v 4
13. Sensoren und Aktuatoren 2 2 0 v 4
14. Fachrichtungsspezipische Projektarbeit 0 4 0 f 4
15. Messungen an Verbrennungsmotoren 2 2 0 v 4
16. Alternative Antriebe 2 0 0 f 4
17. Kernelemente der Gesamtfahrzeugentwicklung 2 0 0 f 2
18. Nachhaltiges Qualitätsmanagement 2 0 0 v 4
19. Verbrennungsmotoren – 1 3 0 0 v 3
20. Verbrennungsmotoren – 2 2 0 1 v 3
21. Konstruktion von Verbrennungsmotoren 2 0 0 v 2
22. Numerische Festigkeits- und Lebensdauerberechnung 2 0 0 f 2
23. Simulation Innenmotorischer Prozesse 1 1 0 v 2

Vonatkozó szenátusi határozatok:

OSZCS/2011/13 - 58/2011(IV.04.) Szenátus

On-line Tanulmányi tájékoztató 2010/2011 tavaszi félévtől

A 2010/2011 tanév tavaszi félévétől kezdve Egyetemünk ezen felület segítségével teszi közzé a tanulmányi tájékoztató kiadványokat.
A kiadványok tartalmazzák az adott tanévben / félévben induló szakok, szakirányok listáját.
A megfelelő Félév/ Tagozat/ Kar/ Szak kijelölésével megjelenik a kiválasztott sorban egy letölthető dokumentum (Letöltés ikon), illetve egy az adott pillanatban aktuális mintatantervet megjelenítő (interaktív) lehetőség (sárga link).

• Letölthető dokumentum (Letöltés ikon): Nyomtatható pdf verzióban mutatja meg a felületen jelzett tanév / félévben, azaz a kiadás pillanatában érvényes,
- a szakra vonatkozó szöveges részt (képzési cél, szakmai gyakorlat, záróvizsga követelmények, kimeneti nyelvvizsga követelmények, stb.)
- tantárgyi táblázatot (tantárgy kódja, neve, óraszáma, beszámolási formája, kreditpontja, előtanulmányi követelménye)
- javasolt tantárgyfelvételi rendet (mátrix) – az egyes félévekben mely kötelező tantárgyak felvételét javasoljuk