The two-factor authentication for the Student and the Lecturer web access to the NEPTUN system

sze_logo_10029.jpgFrom 15.10.2023 Széchenyi István University will introduce a so-called Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for student web access to the NEPTUN System to strengthen the protection of their data. It is a security setting that allows users to add a second layer of security to their account.

The method consists of two different information elements. The first part is always the username and the password, the second part is a dynamically variable element which is the 2FA token itself. The combination of these two elements provides a login to the system, similarly to the security logins of banks already in service. In this process, if one of the factors is incorrect or missing, the user cannot be authenticated and will fail to log into the system. It has the advantage that in the event that an unauthorized person gains access to the user’s password, the two-factor authentication will prevent access to the system. Users will be able to better protect their data by using this option.

To be able to use this function, the user must have a free phone or desktop application installed. The application must be installed before using this function.

The primary reason to use the phone platform is that it is not tied to a specific location, you can use the same phone/application to access the web interfaces wherever you are.

ATTENTION! With the introduction of two-factor authentication, the Neptun mobile application was discontinued by the Neptun developers.

There are three free phone applications available on Android on Google Play and on IOS in the App Store. The process of registration is available via the following link:


Google Authenticator:



Microsoft Authenticator



NIS (National Infocommunication Service Company Ltd.) Authenticator:




Recommended desktop application:

One of the most widely used applications is “FortiToken Windows”, but nowadays password managers are also able to store these keys. “FortiToken Windows” can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

Please report any problems with logging in to the university’s central error reporting system at in the “IT error management” menu. Select the “Neptun 2FA problem” element in the recipient and template fields on the “new error ticket” page. Problems can be reported via the following e-mail address: