Change in WEB access from 08 January, 2025!


As described in the previously sent information letter, from 08 January 2025, only the

  • renewed student web Neptun interface will be available, the old web interface will be phased out.
  • renewed instructor web Neptun access path will be available, the old web interface will be phased out.

The web server park has been modernized, which thus enables more reliable and faster operation.

The direct access address of the new student web Neptun interface is:

The instructor web Neptun interface installed on the new web servers can be accessed at

Of course, the new student and instructor web access path will also be accessible after the already known two-factor authentication. There is no change to the previously introduced two-factor authentication, you can use the same authentication application on both the old and new interface. No new token is required to use the new interface, the authentication code from the old interface can be used.

We trust that the new interface will work to everyone's satisfaction in the future.